
Santo Roma's Richiesta Pt. 1

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The sun was bright and the day was warm, both of which made Italy so very happy. He was leaning against the balcony railing outside of him and Germany's room in his blue boxers and a pink tank top. The sun felt nice against his pale skin, and he was considering asking Germany to skip training for the day so he could tan. Hey, summer was starting up, he needed to look good!

"Italia," Germany said from inside the room, "come und get dressed. Ve haff to get to training."

"Aw," Italy pouted as he ran back over to the blonde nation, "but it is such a beautiful day Germany! Can't we just skip training and laze around? Maybe tan a bit?"

Germany sighed deeply and looked into Italy's excited light brown eyes. How could he say no to such a cute face? He looked out the open glass doors to the balcony as a warm breeze came into the room. Vell, it is a vonderful day. I suppose skipping one session vouldn't hurt anyzing.

He smiled at Italy and rumpled Italy's brown hair. "Fine Italia, you vin."

Italy smiled brightly. "Really? You mean it?"

Germany nodded. "Yeah."

"Yaay!" Italy threw his arms around Germany's neck in a tight hug. "That's great! Imma gonna get some better clothes on and go outside, ve?"

Germany's smile softened and he returned the hug briefly. "Sure. I vill meet you out zere zen."

Italy waited until Germany was out of the room before bounding over to the closet and rummaging through him and Germany's clothes. He wanted a black tank top, something that could catch the sun and help his tan, and then that pair of blue jean shorts America gave him for his birthday last year. Yeah! He'd look so extremely sexy in those, he just knew it! Germany could never resist him when he wore that type of combination of clothing, even in front of Japan, so he knew that was simply perfect! Oh, he was going to look wonderful, especially when he finished tanning! No one would be able to resist him! (He may even make a few allies while at it.)

Quickly Italy found a black tank top - it was Germany's, so it hung a bit loose on him - and the blue jeans America had got him and changed into them. He then stepped in front of the mirror bolted to the closet door so that he could mess with his hair until he was satisfied it was absolutely perfect. He turned for the door and ran out so he could join Germany outside.

Already outside and enjoying the good weather, Germany sat on the steps leading into his house with his blue eyes scanning the field in front of him. It didn't matter that today was a beautiful day and he knew there would be no threat from the allies; it was just his normal thing.

The slight smile that had been gracing his hardened features dropped when he saw a black carriage riding up to his house. This wouldn't be the first time someone's gotten lost trying to find something in his country, but this was different. There were two people on either side of the carriage riding white horses, and they seemed to know where exactly they were going.

Germany stood as Italy came bounding out of the front door excitedly. He didn't even look back as Italy exclaimed:

"Hey Germany, Imma ready to tan now! Come on; let's go get some chairs to sit in, ve?"

"Italia," Germany said seriously, "hang on a moment."

"Huh?" Italy looked to the carriage. "Oh, is someone lost again?"

"I don't zink so zis time." Germany stared at the carriage as he slowed to halt in front of him and Italy. He raised an arm in front of the brunette country, afraid whoever was inside the carriage may attack.

A few moments later, one of the men who had been riding alongside the carriage opened the door and helped a tall man with blonde hair pulled back into a short ponytail at the nape of his neck out of the carriage. The blonde's dark blue eyes studied Germany and Italy for a moment before he readjusted the jet black cape around his shoulders, finding it a little warm for the season but not verbally complaining.

"Holy Rome," the man who had helped him out of the carriage said as he held out a black hat, "your hat."

"Ah, si." Holy Rome placed the hat on his head. "Grazie."

The man nodded and then turned to his horse.

Italy's smile widened even further at the sound of the name he hadn't heard in many, many years. "Holy Rome?!"

Holy Rome looked to Italy, finding himself backing away in fear when Italy got extremely close to him. "What are you doing so close?!"

"Wow, you've gotten really big!" Italy laughed delightedly.

"Well, um," Holy Rome cleared his throat, "Austria and Hungary have been a big help these past years. It is because them that I have finally grown." Before Italy could say more, he looked to Germany. "You are Germany?"

Germany nodded. "Yeah, zat's right."

"Good. I heard Italy was living here."

"Zat is also right."

"Can you show me to h–"

"Imma right here!" Italy exclaimed suddenly. He waved his arms around erratically for added effect. "You don't recognize me anymore?! Granted it's been so very many years, but we were so close Holy Rome, I thought that you would still know me!"

A look of surprise crossed Holy Rome's face. This man couldn't be Italy; that was completely impossible! He shook his head. "You can't be Italy!"

Italy's face dropped. "But I am…"

"Italy is a girl!"

Italy blinked, unsure of what to say to that. He figured Holy Rome always knew he was a boy. Sure, Hungary put him in her clothes when he was still small, but he didn't look that much like a girl…did he?

"Uh," Germany cut in when he realized the awkward atmosphere, "look, I cun tell you right here zat Italia is male."

"Yeah," Italy pointed at himself, "and I always have been."

"But…" Holy Rome stared at Italy's face, into his brown eyes, and found that everything about that face was what he remembered of young Italy. His mouth dropped in shock. He grabbed the front of the tank top Italy was wearing and shook him quite violently back and forth. "Then why did you wear those dresses when we lived together, huh?!"

Italy screamed a bit as he was being shaken. "Let me go, let me go!"

Germany sighed and grabbed Holy Rome's wrist, jerking him away from Italy. "Look, I don't know vat zis is about but I zink it cun be better settled if ve sit down und discuss it."

Holy Rome sighed and then nodded. "Agreed." He straightened his stance to look more dignified, (also because he was taller than Italy and that brought some sense of joy to him).

"Italia," Germany looked at Italy, "vy don't you go make some tea like Japan showed you? I'll take Holy Rome back to ze garden."

Italy smiled once again as he nodded. "Okay! I'll meet you two there in a little bit!" He pivoted on one foot and ran back into Germany's house to make some tea.

Once the door closed behind Italy, Germany motioned towards the beautifully designed gate surrounding a garden that Italy had actually planted himself. "After you."

Holy Rome nodded and walked to through the gate of the fence into the garden. His eyes looked at all the different flowers around, surprised that Germany had such a peaceful, relaxing place at his house. He sat down across from the bulky blonde at a round metal garden table decorated with the same design as the fence. He mentioned that he liked the design of the table and fence to Germany.

"Oh? Italia got zem boz from France. Ze garden vas his idea too." He smiled softly as he recalled the conversation that led to him agreeing that Italy could put a garden in. "He said it vould be a good idea to put in one so zat ve cun boz haff a place to relax."

Holy Rome smiled too. "He was right. This place isa perfect."

Germany nodded. "So, vy are you here? I highly doubt zis is just a courtesy visit to un old friend."

"You would be right." Holy Rome's eyes met Germany's. "I actually have a proposition for you–a request really."

"Yeah? Und zat vould be?"

"Well…Italy and I were very close when we were younger, and I've been wanting to see her–him again so that I can ask him something again that I used to ask him all the time. When I found that was living with you, Germany, I feared that I was too late."

"You came rushing here anyvay? Talk about dedication…you could teach Italia a zing or two about zat."

Holy Rome let out an irritated sigh. "May I continue?"

"Of course."

"I rode here asa fast asa I could hoping that there was still I chance to ask Italy this question. It seems that the nature ofa the question has to be changed though, asa he is living with you in your house." Very calmly, Holy Rome asked Germany the question the bigger nation never thought he'd hear, "Cana you give Italy to me?"
TWOSHOT - On one not-so-unusual day, Italy and Germany get a visit from a friend Italy hasn't seen in years, Holy Rome. During his visit, Holy Rome makes a request that he hopes Germany will accept. Though Germany isn't so sure if he should.

Pt. 2: [link]

I hope I got the translation for the title correct. It’s supposed to be Italian for “Holy Rome’s Request.” :D
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CrimsonTokala's avatar
How can you do this to me?